
Thursday 6 December 2012

مرگ انیسه سوگ بزرگیست برای ملت افغانستان...

 در حالیکه پاکستانی ها در کنار هموطن خود، ملالی یوسفزی، تا اخر ایستادند و از او یک قهرمان بین المللی برای خود ساختند، اما برای انیسه، شاگرد صنف دهم که بروز یکشن
به در راه به سمت مکتب در ولایت کاپیسا از جانب طالبان بضرب گلوله کشته شد سکوت اختیار کرده اند

مرگ انیسه سوگ بزرگیست برای ملت افغانستان خصوصآ ولایت کاپیسا،
استقامت مردم علم پرور کاپیسا راسخ است.

انیسه، دانش آموز کلاس دهم بود که در اجرای برنامه واکسیناسیون فلج کودکان در ولایت کاپیسا در شمال کابل به صورت داوطلبانه کار میکرد. او اخیرا از سوی افراد "طالبان" هدف شلیک گلوله قرار گرفت و در بیمارستان کاپیسا جان باخت
و دولت افغانستان در برابر قتل انیسه هیچ واکنش نشان نداده است.
انیسه "به جرم واکسن کردن کودکان به دست دژخیمان تروریسم به شهادت رسید".

وقتی ملاله یوسفزی در ایالت خیبر پشتونخواه پاکستان مورد حمله قرار گرفت، وزارت معارف (آموزش و پرورش) با بیرون کردن شاگردان مکاتب دخترانه در جاده‌های افغانستان با وی ابراز همدردی کرد و رئیس جمهوری وی را قهرمان خواند، اما وقتی هفت گلوله به بدن انیسه اصابت کرد و جان باخت، آب از آب تکان نخورد."

باید کمیسیونی را برای بررسی چگونگی قتل انیسه تشکیل شود و از خانواده او حمایت کنند. اتحادیه آزاده گان جوان مقیم اتریش، شهادت مرحومه انیسه، دانش آموز ولایت کاپیسا، را به خانواده گرامی اش تسلیت میگوید و صدای شهادت مضلومانه وی را به گوش سازمان ملل متحد و حقوق بشر در اروپا،و به گوش جهانیان خواهد رساند

Wednesday 5 December 2012

25 ways to enter JANNAH...

1. Whoever meets Allah without ascribing
anything to him will enter Jannah.

2. Whoever believes (has Iman) in Allah
And his Messenger (peace be upon him),
and establishes the prayer and fasts t
he month of Ramadan, it Is incumbent upon
Allah that He enters him in Jannah.

3. Whoever builds a Masjid seeking by it the
Pleasure of Allah, Allah will build for him a
similar place in Jannah. [Bukhari]

4. Whoever prays the two cool praye
rs (Asr and Fajr) will enter Jannah.

5. Whoever goes to the Masjid (every)
morning and in the afternoon (for the
congregational prayer), Allah will prepare for
him an honorable place in Jannah with good
hospitality for (what he has done) every
morning and afternoon goings. [Bukhari]

6. Whoever can guarantee (the chastity of)
what is between his two jaw-bones and what is
between his two legs (i.e. his tongue and his
private parts), I guarantee Jannah for him.

7. Whoever prays 12 Rak’ah in the day and
night, a house in Jannah will be built for him.

8. Whoever treads a path in search of
knowledge, Allah will make easy for him the
path to Jannah. [Muslim]

9. Whoever repeats after the Mu’adthin (the
caller to prayer) from his heart (i.e.,
sincerely) will enter Jannah. [Abu Dawud]

10. There is not one of you who perfects his
Wudu and prays two Rak’ah setting about
them with his heart as well as his face except
that Jannah would be mandatory for him.
[Abu Dawud]

11. Whoever says: “I am pleasedwith Allah
as my Rabb, and with Islam as my Deen,
and with Muhammad (peace be upon him) as
my Prophet, Jannah would be mandatory
for him. [Abu Dawud]

12. Whosoever last words are: La ilaha illa
Allah, will enter Paradise. [Abu Dawud,

13. Whoever says “SubhanAllah al-Adthim
wa Bihamdihi, Glorified and Exalted is
Allah, The Great, and with His Praise”,
a date-palm will planted for him in Jannah.

14. Whoever dies and is free from three:
arrogance, grudges and debt will enter
Jannah. [Tirmidhi]

15. Whoever raises two girls, he and I will
enter Jannah. [Tirmidhi]

16. Whoever calls the Adhan for 12 years,
Jannah will become mandatory for him. [Ibn

17. Whoever asks Allah for Jannah three
times, Jannah will say: “O Allah, enter him
into Jannah.” [Tirmidhi]

18. Whoever visits an ailing person or a
brother of his to seek the Pleasure of Allah,
an announcer (angel) calls out: “May you be
happy, may your walking be blessed, and may
you be awarded a dignified position in
Jannah”. [Tirmidhi]

19. Indeed, truthfulness leads to righteousness
and indeed righteousness leads to Jannah.

20. Allah guarantees him who strives in His
Cause and whose motivation for going out is
nothing but Jihad in His Cause and belief
in His Word, that He will admit him into
Jannah. [Bukhari]

21. O people, spread the salaam (greetings),
feed the hungry, and pray while the people are
asleep, you will enter Jannah in peace.

22. (The performance of) Umrah is an
expiation for the sins committed between it and
the previous Umrah; and the reward of Hajj
Mabrur (i.e., one accepted) is nothing but
Jannah. [Bukhari]

23. Allah has ninety-nine Names, one
hundred minus one, and whoever believes in
their meanings and acts accordingly, will enter
Jannah. [Bukhari]

24. I saw a man going about in Jannah
(and enjoying himself) as a reward for
cutting from the middle of the road, a tree
which was causing inconvenience to the
Muslims. [Muslim]

25. O Allah, You are my Lord, none has
the right to be worshipped except You, You
created me and I am You servant and I
abide to Your covenant and promise as best I
can, I take refuge in You from the evil of
which I committed. I acknowledge Your favor
upon me and I acknowledge my sin, so forgive
me, for verily none can forgive sin except You.
“If somebody recites this invocation during the
day, and if he should die then, he will be from
the people of Jannah. And if he recites it in
the night, and if he should die on the same
day, he will be from the people of
Jannah.” [Bukhari]

Friday 23 November 2012

Past Events on 10 Muharram

 -The Prophet Adam (Alaihis. Salaam) was sent to Earth.
- The Prophet Adam’s confession was accepted.
- The Prophet Adam was sent to Paradise.- The sky, Earth, Sun, Moon, stars, planets, and Paradise were created on the 10th Muharram.
- The Prophet Ibrahim (Alaihis. Salaam) was born.
- The Prophet Ibrahim escaped from the fire.
- The Prophet Issa (Alaihis. Salaam) was born.
- The Prophet Issa was resurrected.
- The Prophet Yunus (Alaihis. Salaam) came out of the fish’s stomach after 40 days.
- The Prophet Yakoob (Alaihis. Salaam) got his eyesight back.
- The Prophet Yusuf was rescued from the deep well.
- The first rain on Earth was on the 10th day of Muharram.
- The Prophet Musa (Alaihis. Salaam) and his followers survived through the river Nile.
- The Prophet Nooha’s (Alaihis. Salaam) ship survived on top of the mountain

Thursday 8 November 2012

First Afghan rugby club travel to Pakistan

With rugby growing in the war-torn country, Afghanistan's first rugby club travels to international sports festival.

Kabul United are looking for more victories at Punjab festival in Pakistan
The first Afghan Rugby Club team - Kabul United RFC - will play a series of matches against rugby clubs from Cambodia, Hong Kong, Uzbekistan, India, the United Kingdom and New Zealand at the biggest ever sport festival in Pakistan this week.
The Punjab International Sports Festival includes the Indo-Pak games and the deaf and dumb Dosti Cup as 1,381 athletes from 24 countries appear in baseball, football, fastball, touchball (male and female), Jiu-Jitsu and kabaddi events.

The five-day event is one of the biggest sporting events in Pakistan this year.
The Afghan players, who made the crossing to Pakistan through the Torkham border on Monday, are excited to be in Pakistan and look forward to playing in peace with other peace loving nations.

The participation of an Afghan rugby team means a lot to the Afghanistan Rugby Federation. It is a big step for development of the sport and will certainly encourage other rugby clubs to do more to be entitled for foreign tours.
Kabul United was formed less than a year ago, but interest in the sport is quickly spreading, not just in Kabul, but in this whole war-torn country.
Following cricket's lead
Afghanistan has developed a reputation for its cricket after winning the World Cricket League Division 3 tournament in 2009 and qualifying for the Twenty20 World Cup. Although cricket is still a relatively new sport in Afghanistan, it is increasing in popularity and now players hope the same will happen for rugby.

It is clear rugby is getting more popular not only in Afghanistan but in Asia which has seen a recent surge of interest from the Middle East and the Islamic world. Dubai has built a specialised academy for rugby players and now hosts tournaments, while unions have been set up in the United Arab Emirates, Lebanon and Qatar.

Afghanistan’s international side may not have showed particularly well at the third and final leg of the HSBC Asian Rugby 7s in October, in Mumbai, but momentum is building, and the game is developing. This is being done by promoting club rugby and by showing the world Afghans have the best physiques for playing and are not simply a struggling nation.
The Afghan people have started to worry about what will happen when NATO departs but the Afghanistan Rugby Federation is optimistic that attitudes towards rugby will remain strong and that each province will continue to develop the sport.

It has been said that in the absence of war, society looks to sport to fulfill its combative nature. However, the relationship between war and sport goes far beyond the similarities of winning and losing. In fact, sport and war has throughout history proved to have a much more symbiotic relationship.

With very limited resources, the Afghanistan Rugby Federation does face problems but is as ever committed to taking this great game of sport and introducing it to every Afghan.

As part of the federation, I am thankful to the Pakistan Rugby Union (PRU) especially secretary Khurram Haroon for his continuous cooperation and assistance.
We now look forward to others coming forward to help us develop rugby and promote the message of peace through sport.
Asad Ziar is the Chief Executive Officer at the Afghanistan Rugby Federation. You can follow him on Twitter: @Asadziar 

Tuesday 6 November 2012


There was this beautiful woman, who wanted to get married, but she wanted a very pious husband, so she said that she’ll marry the man who recites the whole Qur'an every single day, fasts for the whole year and stays awake and worships Allah all throughout the night.

She was a very beautiful woman, and a lot of suitors wanted to marry her, but they knew they couldn’t fulfill the conditions she set. Until this one man stepped forward and said he could fulfill them. So the Imam got both of them married.

After the first night of the marriage, the wife sees that the husband doesn’t recite the whole of the Qur'an, nor does he fast, nor does he stay awake in the worship of Allah, she decided to let it roll on for a few weeks to see if there were any changes, there weren’t, so she filed a complaint and asked for a divorce.

They are both taken in front of the judge, and the judge asked, ‘What were the conditions of the marriage?’ the man replied ‘They were for me to recite the whole Quran daily, keep fast for the whole year and to worship Allah all throughout the night.’

The Judge asked, ‘ did you fulfill them? The man calmly answered, ‘…yes.’

The judge answers, ‘you lie, your wife has said that you don’t, that’s why she’s asking for a divorce’.

But the man insisted that he had fulfilled the conditions, so the judge asked, ‘did you recite the full Quran everyday?’ The man answered yes. The Judge, baffled asked, ‘how? How can you do that?’
The man coolly answered, ‘I recite Surah Ikhlas three times a day and according to Prophet Muhammad (saw), reciting Surah Ikhlas three times is equivalent to reciting the whole Quran.’

The Judge was intrigued, so he asked, ‘how did you fast the whole year?’

The man answered, ‘ I fasted for the whole month of Ramadan, then kept another six fasts in the month of Shawwal, according to Prophet Muhammad (saw), keeping all of the fast of Ramadan then keeping six fasts in the month of Shawwal, is as if you have fasted for the whole year.’

The Judge remained silent, he couldn’t give a reply saying the man was wrong, so finally he asked, ‘ how did you stay awake all night and worship Allah, when your wife saw you sleeping?’ The Judge thought the man wouldn’t be able to answer this one,

But the man, cool as a cucumber answered, ‘I prayed Salatul Isha with jamaat, then the next day prayed Salatul Fajr with jamaat, according to Prophet Muhammad (saw), the one who prays Salatul Isha and Salatul Fajr with jamaat, it is as if he had stayed up all night worshipping Allah.’

The Judge sat there looking at the man; the final verdict was about to be released…

He said to the man and his wife, ‘…go, just go, there is nothing wrong with this marriage’…



Answer by a Laureate from Yemen About her Hijab

When asked about her Hijab By Journalists and how it is not proportionate with her level of intellect and education, she replied:



“Man in The early times was almost naked, and as his intellect evolved hE started wearing clothes. What I am today and what I’m wearing represents the highest level of thought and civilization that man has achieved, and is not regressive. It’s The removal of clothes again that is regressive back to ancient TIMES”
Noble Laureate from Yemen...

Thursday 1 November 2012

Afghanistan Sets Date for Presidential Elections

Fazel Ahmad Manawi, chairman of the
Afghan Independent Election Commission,
speaks during a news conference in Kabul,
Afghanistan, October 31, 2012.
 Afghanistan’s Election Commission says the country’s next presidential election will take place April 5, 2014. That vote will set the course for Afghanistan as international troops leave the country after more than a decade.

Afghan elections officials said Wednesday that the 2014 ballot will be open to everyone, including the Taliban. Fazel Ahmad Manawi, chairman of the Independent Election Commission, said all opposition groups could take part.                                     

“Our message to those in opposition to the government including the leadership of the Taliban, Hezb-i-Islami, and others who are still fighting is to come and join this national process,” said Manawi.

President Hamid Karzai, now in his second term of office, is constitutionally barred from running for president again. He has repeatedly called for the Taliban to lay down their arms and stand in the next elections.

The United States, the United Nations mission in Afghanistan and the European Union all welcomed the election day announcement.

Jandad Speenghar, executive director of the Free and Fair Election Foundation in Kabul, said that to avoid a repeat of the problems seen with Afghanistan’s previous presidential vote, however, regulations ensuring a transparent process first need to be put in place.

“The announcement of the date for the presidential election is really a good step toward conducting a free election, but at the meantime it required to see some specific other steps - from electoral commission side, from the government side, from the civil society side - especially regarding electoral reform process,” said Speenghar.

Security for voters and polling stations is expected to be a major issue during the vote, with insurgent groups like the Taliban still carrying out daily attacks across Afghanistan.

Speenghar said holding the elections in April 2014, eight months before the final pullout of all international combat troops, will ensure some extra protection and logistical support for Afghan forces.

While still over a year away, political groups already are beginning to mobilize supporters. The Justice and Development Party is the latest to join the fray.

Party official Abdul Razaq Luqman described the group’s demographic.

“Justice and Development Party believes and relies on the younger generation of educated classes - free of discrimination,” said Luqman.

The belief that educated youth have a role to play in the country’s political future is important in Afghanistan. After U.S. forces ousted the Taliban in 2001, more than 100 parties registered their names. The political arena so far has been dominated by remnants of Afghanistan’s former communist party, ex-mujahideen fighters and ethnic-based or warlord-led parties.

Suicide Bomber Kills Dozens of Worshipers in Afghanistan

A suicide bomber struck in northern Afghanistan on Friday morning, killing at least 45 people, just as worshipers were emerging from a mosque to celebrate the first day of Id al-Adha, the most important Muslim holiday, officials said. It was one of several attacks in Afghanistan on Friday, and by far the most lethal.

The attack, in Maimana, the capital of Faryab Province, also wounded 60 people.
Among the dead were 25 members of the Afghan national security forces, including the commander of the Afghan National Civil Order Police for Faryab, the head of the police quick-reaction force and the chiefs of police for two districts of Maimana, said Naqibullah Faiq, a member of Parliament from Faryab.
President Hamid Karzai condemned the attack. “Those who are taking away the happiness of Muslims during the Id al-Adha days are the enemies of Islam, and you cannot call them human or Muslim,” he said in a statement.
Dr. Maroof Samar, a surgeon at a government hospital, said, “The hospital is overwhelmed by dead and wounded bodies; all off-duty doctors were called in.” Dr. Samar said he ran to the hospital from the mosque, where he was among the worshipers.
The province has become increasingly violent over the last year, and it now rivals Kunduz Province for the distinction of being the most troubled province in northern Afghanistan, Western diplomats say. Unlike southern Afghanistan, where the power struggles and attacks are among Pashtuns, the north has troubles tinged with ethnic bias. Ethnic Uzbeks make up a majority in Faryab, and there are smaller groups of ethnic Tajiks and Pashtuns.

A provincial reconstruction team run by Norwegians had been operating in Maimana, but the last of its members left in September, and most of the American military personnel deployed in the province have closed their outposts, local officials said.
Provincial officials who have been fighting the Taliban in Faryab were especially upset, because there had been hopes that recent battles with the insurgents had sapped their strength.
However, it appeared that the attack on Friday was in revenge for Taliban losses earlier in the week. On Wednesday, Afghan security forces fought a battle with Taliban militants in the Pashtun Kot District, killing the shadow governor — the man who ran the Taliban government in the province — and 24 of his men, said Abdul Sattar Bariz, the deputy provincial governor.
Dr. Samar, the surgeon, said: “Everyone was thinking that after their shadow governor was killed, they would not be able to survive anymore in Faryab. So this could be revenge for the shadow governor’s death.”
A Taliban spokesman, Qari Yusuf Ahmadi, said he had not heard about the attack and requested details so he could check with Taliban fighters in the province. No group took responsibility for the attack.
The provincial council chairman, Rahmatullah Rais, a hard-line opponent of the Taliban, said: “No Muslim would target other Muslims at the mosque. This is not the work of a Muslim. Even an infidel won’t attack a Muslim in the holy days of Id al-Adha.”
The Id al-Adha services are among the most heavily attended, and worshipers frequently overflow from mosques. Larger mosques in Afghanistan are typically surrounded on three sides by courtyards to accommodate those who pray outside and listen to the sermon and prayers over loudspeakers.
Witnesses said the bomber on Friday approached the northern courtyard gate. He was wearing the uniform of an Afghan National Army soldier, several people said.
“The suicide bomber was young. He appeared to be a 15-year-old boy,” said Syed Abdul Sarwar, a witness. “The explosion was very heavy, and all those leaving the north gate at that time were killed, including some police.”

Doctors at the local hospital said four children were killed. Mr. Faiq, the member of Parliament, said: “The children’s dead bodies were still in the hospital. They were wearing their new clothing and clutching their toys in their hands or their pockets.”
It is traditional for parents to buy toys for their children for the holiday. “It would bring tears to anyone’s eyes,” he said.
In a separate episode in Laghman Province in eastern Afghanistan, the Taliban buried a bomb near the grave of a young man they had killed two weeks before because he worked for a member of the Afghan Parliament, said Gen. Zaman Mamozai, an Interior Ministry official who is a distant relative of the victim. When two of the young man’s nephews went to visit his grave for Id al-Adha, the bomb detonated, killing one boy and wounding the other, General Mamozai said.
Enayatullah Najafizada contributed reporting from Mazar-i-Sharif, Afghanistan, and Jawad Sukhanyar from Kabul.

تا حال ۱۳۸ میلیون دالر از قرضه های کابل بانک به صورت نقدی حصول شده است

تا حال ۱۳۸ میلیون دالر از قرضه های کابل بانک به صورت نقدی حصول شده است
تحت ریاست حامد کرزی، رئیس جمهوری اسلامی افغانستان جلسهء به منظور چگونگی پیشرفت های تصفیه و حصول قرضه های کابل بانک دایر گردید.

بر اساس اطلاعیه دفتر مطبوعاتی ریاست جمهوری، در این جلسه که شام امروز در ارگ دایر گردید، در آن معاون دوم ریاست جمهوری، قاضی القضات و سرپرست ستره محکمه، وزرای مالیه، تجارت و اقتصاد، لوی څارنوال، رئیس دا...
فغانستان بانک، رئیس کمیسیون انتقال مسئولیت ها و مسئولین مربوط امور تصفیه کابل بانک اشتراک داشتند، ابتدا گزارش هیات تصفیه کابل بانک ارائه گردید.

به اساس این گزارش تا حال ۱۳۸ میلیون دالر بصورت نقدی حصول شده است، به ارزش ۱۸۵ میلیون دالر جایداد های مختلف در داخل و خارج کشور بدست آمده است، بالای ۲۱۸ میلیون دالر قرضه از جانب قرضداران اعتراف صورت گرفته است . در نتیجه مبلغ ۵۲۹ میلیون دالر باقیمانده پولیست که مورد منازعه می باشد.

جلسه تصفیه و حصول قرضه های کابل بانک پس از بحث و بررسی نکات ذیل را مورد تصویب قرار داد:

۱- به هیات تصفیه وظیفه سپرده شد که در ظرف یکماه جایداد های حصول شده در داخل و خارج را به فروش رسانیده و پول آنرا به دولت انتقال دهد.

۲- به وزارت مالیه و دافغانستان بانک وظیفه سپرده شد تا با شرکت انگلیسی "کراول" که کار تفتیش کابل بانک را انجام داده است به صورت جدی پول های را که به کشور ها و بانک های خارجی از کابل بانک انتقال داده شده است، نشاندهی نموده و به دولت افغانستان رسماً و کتباً گزارش دهد.

۳- ادارات مربوطه همکاری آن کشور ها را که پول کابل بانک به آنها انتقال داده شده بود جلب کرده و در بر گرداندن پول های مذکور اقدام جدی نموده و این کار را به صورت دوامدار پیگیری نمایند.

۴- به وزارت امور خارجه و لوی څارنوالی وظیفه سپرده شد تا موضوع استرداد عبدالقدیر فطرت را که متهم مهم قضیه کابل بانک است با دولت ایالات متحده امریکا پیگیری نموده آنرا به نتیجه برسانند.

۵- در پایان به محکمه اختصاصی رسیده گی به قضیه کابل بانک خاطر نشان گردید تا در حل آن قسمت قضیه که به آن ارگان محول گردیده است هر چه زودتر اقدام نموده، در زمینه فیصله خود را مطابق قانون صادر نماید.

Apple announces management shake-up

Two executives to leave and three executives to be given enhanced roles in the wake of recent software problems.

Apple has announced a major shake-up of its management, with two executives about to leave the company.
Monday's announcement follows embarrassing problems with its new mapping software and disappointing quarterly results.
Scott Forstall, head of its iOS software, will leave next year. He will serve as an adviser to Tim Cook, chief executive, in the interim.
Cook said on Monday the departure of Forstall and enhanced roles of Jon Ive, Bob Mansfield, Eddy Cue and Craig Federighi were part of a move to better integrate hardware, software, and services.
"We are in one of the most prolific periods of innovation and new products in Apple's history," Cook said.
Launches in the past two months of iPhone 5, the mobile operating system iOS 6, iPad mini, iPad, iMac, MacBook Pro, iPod touch, iPod nano along with applications result from "relentless focus on tightly integrating world-class hardware, software and services", according to Cook.
Second man out
Cook said the moves were a way to increase collaboration across its hardware, software and services businesses.
Also out is John Browett, who was in charge of Apple's real-world shops.
Apple's retail team will report directly to Cook until a replacement is hired for Browett.
Browett's tenure included a store staff-reduction plan that ended with the California company backtracking and apologising for having "messed up".
Forstall had been billed as one of the Apple executives with the potential to be a captivating pitchman for the company's products, helping to fill the shoes of late co-founder Steve Jobs at launch events.
Forstall joined Apple in 1997 when the technology giant purchased Steve Jobs' start-up Next, and he is credited as one of the original architects of Mac OS X.
Forstall will leave Apple next year and serve as an adviser to Cook until his departure.
Ive will have "Human Interface" with devices added to his role as leader of Industrial Design at Apple. Ive is credited with being the person behind the look and feel of Apple gadgets.
Glitch-ridden maps
Siri virtual personal assistant and Maps software will be added to Cue's online services group, which includes iTunes and the App Store.
Apple had to apologise last month for its glitch-ridden maps application in the new operating system used by the iPhone 5 and urged customers to use rival programmes while improvements are made.
In an open letter, Cook wrote: "At Apple, we strive to make world-class products that deliver the best experience possible to our customers. With the launch of our new Maps last week, we fell short on this commitment."

Apple had developed its own mapping programme included in its new mobile iOS 6 operating system, and in doing so booted off Google Maps, which had been the default programme for Apple devices.
It was not clear whether the Maps debacle was a factor in Forstall's departure.
Federighi will head the teams behind the operating software for Apple mobile devices and Macintosh computers.

Afghan boxer Hamid Rahimi Won Kabul's first pro match

Millions of Afghans have watched a German-born Afghan win the country's first professional men's boxing match in the capital Kabul.
Hamid Rahimi beat Tanzanian Said Mbelwa for the World Boxing Organisation Intercontinental middleweight belt.
The match, which would have been banned under Taliban rule, took place amid tight security in the capital.
After the fight, Mr Rahimi described the win as a fresh beginning for the country.
"Today it's a start," he said.
"This belt is not mine, this belt is Afghanistan's, it's yours. I love you."
The match was broadcast live, with millions of Afghans across the country reportedly tuning in to watch.

Prominent Afghan figures, including MPs and deputy ministers, watched the fight live at the venue.
Organisers dubbed the bout a "Fight 4 Peace" and said it was being hosted to make a statement of freedom to take part in sport in a country blighted by war and militancy for decades.
The Taliban banned boxing towards the end of their rule.

Mbelwa, 23, fights in the super-middleweight division and has a record of 31 fights with 19 wins, eight losses and four draws.
Rahimi is six years older than his opponent and has won 20 of his 21 fights.
Ahead of the fight, Mbelwa said that he understood that the occasion was "a very special event for Afghanistan and sent a very important message for the whole world" but vowed to fight as hard as any other match once in the ring.
In the event, he was forced to admit defeat in the seventh round after retreating to his corner with a shoulder injury.

Wednesday 31 October 2012

Afghanistan to play first rugby competition

Rugby in Afghanistan is the newest sport and it is now gaining the attention of the international community.

The limited resources and lack of the proper grounds for rugby make, in my opinion, the Afghan rugby players the toughest in the world. The pitches and grounds where the players practice or play matches against each other are full of gravel, stones, holes…and are all grassless.

But still the players play, and now as they leave Kabul to compete in their first official competion at the Asian Sevens in Mumbai, they are fulfilling the dream of representing their nation on the world stage.
" is a strong tool for bringing peace, stability and brotherhood in Afghanistan, and not the weapons and war planes, since we have witnessed that with the bombings and fights nothing has been achieved"

There are about 50 countries helping Afghanistan to fight terrorism, but there is not a single country to help our war-torn country develop the sport.

In the capital city of Kabul, where a population of an estimated eight million live, there is only one stadium - which is the only proper pitch in the whole country that meets the standards.

The rugby players have never been allowed to play any tournament or games at home except for a few exhibition matches.

The reason is very clear - that is the lack of other proper pitches and grounds and the huge number of players and sport in the country.

I think we should believe that sport is a strong tool for bringing peace, stability and brotherhood in Afghanistan, and not the weapons and war planes, since we have witnessed that with the bombings and fights nothing has been achieved.
The security situation in Afghanistan is worsening day by day, and it seems that if it continues the same way and strategy I am sure that not only in the next decade but in the next century peace will not be stable in Afghanistan.
The line has been drawn by Afghanistan cricket, and the Afghan Cricket Board has their own grounds and stadiums in all the zones of the country.
Going it alone
It is now clear that no one will come to help Afghan Rugby until they show their own momentum for the rapid development and progress of the game, and to participate in international competitions.
It is understood that there is no commercial organisation which will come to help Afghan Rugby, until it achieves a noticeable status in the world - not only in Afghanistan.

The Afghanistan Rugby Federation (ARF) was formed and registered less than two years ago and got the affiliation with the Asian Rugby Football Union (ARFU) in November last year.

It is a pleasure that the federation has played very effective role in the development of rugby with no resources and facilities in their hands. There is no budget allocated for the players or the management of the federation, their aim is not working for money but for the development of sport in Afghanistan and to expand the game of rugby to each and every part of the country.

It is a big achievement for Afghanistan Rugby Federation that in less than two years Afghanistan will mark its first-ever official Asian Rugby Football Union competition in Mumbai, having played in an unofficial three-match sevens competition against the United Arab Emirates development side, UAE Shaheen, earlier this year in Dubai.

Despite lacking experience, the Afghans have the physical attributes required at international level and managed to take one match out of the three in a promising start in Dubai.

A crowd favourite, Afghanistan will have an excellent opportunity to show its improvement over the past five months at Bombay Gymkhana, the home of rugby in India.

Adding to the excitement this weekend in Mumbai, the tournament has attracted a record 16 teams in 2012, making it the largest event on the HSBC A7s Series to date.

Joining the 10 core teams participating at all events on the 2012 Series are Chinese Taipei, the United Arab Emirates (both of whom will be marking their final Series appearance in 2012), as well as India, Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan, all making their 2012 Series debut.

Afghanistan will have its preliminary matches with Japan, Philippines and Singapore on Saturday October 13, 2012.
We understand that our competitors are the strong teams and they are very experienced ones, but Afghanistan will never be a very weak competitor and I am sure that we will give tough time to our contenders.
Asad Ziar is the Chief Executive Officer of the Afghanistan Rugby Federation. Twitter @AsadZiar